TSG Activation Request Name First Last Email* Phone*Date of Purchase* MM slash DD slash YYYY Read and Check Each Box to ConsentConsent 1* Prior to submitting this TSG activation request I certify that I have read and am aware of the conditions that must be met in order to qualify for the TSG (as found on the Legally Mine Tax-Savings Money-Back Guarantee certificate received or explained at the point of purchase). I also certify that I am aware of the terms and conditions of my service contract/purchase agreement. I also certify that I have had no unresolved missed payments.*Consent 2* I certify that I am aware that the following conditions must be met prior to acceptance of this submission:*Consent 3* The Legally Mine Entity Structure and Program must be sufficiently completed to be applied throughout the following full tax year.*Consent 4* The Legally Mine Entity Structure, based on Customer's Legally Mine Blueprint, must actually be applied, as outlined in the Blueprint, for the full tax year following the registration and completion of all business entities.*Entity Completion Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Consent 5* Customer must utilize and apply the Legally Mine Educational Tax and Other Saving Strategies.*Consent 6* If Customer fails to provide Company with documentation showing tax and/or other savings of less than Customer's cost for the Legally Mine Program within 90 calendar days from Customer's qualifying year-end tax filing deadline, no refund will be issued.*Consent 7* I AGREE TO BE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS TSG ACTIVATION REQUEST, AS OUTLINED ABOVE*CAPTCHA Legally Mine Offices PHONE 800-375-2453 HOURS Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00 Sat - Sun closed ADDRESS 1337 E 750 N Orem, UT 84097